About us

For more than 25 years we have formulated, designed and manufactured our liquids and effects machines tailored to show business professionals.

Cloudy Professional is the leading company offering the most complete range of stage special effects equipment and supplies. With manufactures in China and an extensive network of representatives in Latin America, Cloudy Professional expands around the world to provide its customers with immediate delivery and excellent service.

Our products exceed international standards thus transforming event spaces, theaters, discotheques and television studios.

Recomendamos siempre utilizar las máquinas y los fluidos Cloudy Professional para lograr el efecto deseado y un desempeño óptimo en todo tipo de espectáculo y ambiente.

We always recommend using Cloudy Professional machines and fluids to achieve the desired effect and optimal performance in all types of shows and environments.

Now, from our factory in the city of Guangzhou, China, we can supply our representatives all over the world and accompany each of the entertainment professionals in their most ambitious projects.

Became distributor!

    With presence in

  • China
  • Argentina
  • Costar Rica
  • El Salvador
  • Uruguay
  • Chile
  • Spain
  • Venezuela